

Pain and discomfort in the knee joint are common reasons for consultations in daily routine. The reasons are diverse and can be of traumatic or chronic origin. Identifying the reason for knee pain may be challenging. Using a “knee-map” may help to diagnose possible pathologies. Consequently, treatment depends on the final diagnosis. When a traumatic effusion is present, a relevant intra-articular damage should be considered.
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Die Ruptur des vorderen Kreuzbandes (VKB) ist eine der häufigsten Verletzungen im Sport. Häufig reisst das VKB in Stop-and-Go-Sportarten wie Fussball, Skifahren oder Basketball. In 70% der Fälle kommt die Verletzung ohne gegnerisches Einwirken durch eine hohe Valgusbelastung des Kniegelenkes zustande [1]. Die Funktion des VKB ist die Stabilisierung des Kniegelenkes, indem es die anteriore Translation der Tibia gegenüber dem Femur bei statischen und dynamischen Bewegungen verhindert.
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Introduction: The use of prophylactic knee orthoses is very common among Swiss ice hockey players to prevent recurrent lesions of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). However, their effects are still widely discussed in the literature. Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of a given protocol (recruitment, resources, data management, surveys...) for a future national study and to present the preliminary results of the prophylactic orthotics effects on recurrent injuries. Methods: Retrospective epidemiological pilot study.
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ACL injuries in children and adolescents have increased substantially in recent years. Nevertheless, treatment algorithms are domiated by predjudice more than by evidence, eventhough the scientific basis, summarized in this paper, is sound. The likelihood of an ACL tear in a traumatic hemarthros, even without contact, is 52%. More than half of the cases show concurrent injuries. Methods and criteria for success of conservative treatment are published in detail, however, surgical treatment produces a better clinical outcome in most cases. Various surgical techniques exist, and age appropriate treatment can elimate the risk of a growth disturbance and restore the normal function of the knee.
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Purpose: Comparison of surgical techniques by evaluating functional capacities: power, strength, velocity and dynamic stability of knee extensor and flexor muscles after ACL reconstruction. Material and Methods: a prospective study with a retrospective comparative cohort of 111 patients (mean age 30 years (14.4 - 49.7). Outcomes: 18 outcomes were considered. Objective outcomes were the difference of power, strength, velocity and dynamic stability. Subjective outcomes included Tegner activity scale, Lysholm score, KOS, KOS-SAS (Knee Outcome Survey-Sport Activities Score), Tampa scale-Q.
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